Offering Your Land

Backyard Harvest is seeking land in Strathcona neighbourhood of Hamilton (Queen Street to Highway 403, York Boulevard to King Street West).

We currently operate twelve garden plots:  eleven in backyards in the Strathcona,  North End, and Kirkendall neighbourhoods, and one at the Sisters of St. Joseph Convent in Dundas. 

Backyard Harvest Site Requirements

  • 1500 sq. feet or more of shade-free and tree root-free land
  • access to a water tap
  • minimum five-year commitment
  • no pesticide or herbicide use on the property

Landowner Benefits

  • Backyard Harvest will amend the soil, plant each year, tend and harvest the crops
  • Rather than growing grass you need to cut weekly, an abundant edible crop will grow on your land
  • extra set of eyes and hands on your property
  • Each week, the landowner is invited to come to our stand at the Locke St. Farmers’ Market and receive a bag of our produce, regardless of whether it was grown on their property or another's